Board agendas, faster and better

Create and manage agendas for your boards and committees in a simple, purpose-built platform designed for CoSec

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Cerebral Palsy Alliance
EMM Consulting
Samsara Eco
Team Global Express

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Agendas, solved

Do you delight in calculating agenda item timings? Relish re-numbering? Captivated by cross-referencing? No? Neither are we.

That's why our purpose-built agenda builder handles all of those tedious, manual and error prone tasks for you. Simpler, faster, better.

Eliminate admin and focus on substance

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Minutes in seconds

When you create your board agenda, you're creating your shell minutes at the same time. Export your shell minutes at a moment's notice - then all you need to do is fill in the blanks.

Say goodbye to hours of mindless formatting and go into your next board meeting fully prepared and focused on the task at hand.

Upgrade your governance, downgrade your stress

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Designed for your existing workflow

Built to seamlessly fit into the way you already work and the tools you already use, so you can continue doing what's already working well.

Easy-to-use export features let you share your agendas with your CEO, Chair and others in Word format and ensure compatibility with any existing board portal you're using.

A platform designed for everyone company secretaries

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Quality results, by default

We agonise over every aspect of our templates - all the way from the wording of our standard minutes through to font legibility - so that you don't have to.

Deliver your board consistent, high quality agendas and minutes that reflect your organisation's brand, time after time after time.

Want to use your own templates?

No problem! We can customise both the form and the substance of our templates to reflect your preferred layouts, fonts, colours, content, drafting and more!
Additional one-off fee applies

Priced to deliver ROI from meeting #1

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Simple, no-surprises pricing

Sick of 'per user' pricing that means you're either forced to arbitrarily restrict access or go overbudget? So are we.

Our pricing couldn't be simpler - pay one annual price per board/committee. That's it.

Ready for modern agenda management?

Ready to build and manage agendas faster and better? Ready for shell minutes in one click? Ready to focus on what really matters, and let us handle the rest? Then get in touch.

Why board agendas matter

"I don't think an agenda is a humble thing. I think an agenda is an incredibly important thing."

Board agendas are critical to focusing your board's attention and driving company success. Listen to our podcast to learn why, and how to ace your next board agenda.

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